Healing the Lost Children

The reason this workshop is called Healing the Lost Children is because the spirits of these little children are lost souls, they are in what we call “no man’s land”. They are sometimes nameless, sometimes don’t know where they belong and it is our belief that they stay in this void until they are recognised and given an identity and lovingly released back to Heaven.

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About Your Teacher

Paul O’Halloran is a fully initiated igqirha (healer/shaman in the Xhosa tradition) and is known as Grey Elk (from the Cree Nation). Grey Elk has healed and rebalanced around 5,000 properties in person, mostly in Ireland. He has a very strong connection to the elementals (spirits) of the land and was guided to teach shamanism. The teachings of the shamanic courses are very much are led by Great Spirit and encourage you to develop your own medicine while showing you different techniques from Native American, Peruvian and African traditions. Grey Elk is also a Universal pipe carrier.

During the Healing the Lost Children workshops our dear friend Karen Murphy from Angel Harmony also helps Grey Elk to hold the space and be there for people.

Melanie (White Feathers Woman) and Sarah (both advanced shamanic practitioners) sometimes also help out on the courses and workshops where they can.

I did the Healing the Lost Children workshop and found it very emotional but also very healing. I didn’t know anyone at this, but was very comfortable and felt very safe. It was the most amazing day I’ve ever had, emotional and most certainly healing for me. Thank you everybody.
— Mags

About Healing the Lost Children

Having worked with Shamanic healing for over 30 years, it has been Grey Elk’s (Paul O’Halloran’s) experience that a lot of women still hold on to these souls and the trauma of unborn souls that they have lost in various ways. This not only effects the mothers but also the fathers and the other children in the family too. 

These souls can be from miscarriage, abortion, death, past lives, Ancestral lines and the traumas are often still held in the lineage of the Mothers and Fathers. The lineage of the family can often be distorted and sometimes out of line by the little earthbound Spirit because they leave a space or void that is not filled. The other little children may sometimes try to fill the space and they don’t know who they are as they are picking up the energy of the lost soul. 

Unfortunately, these traumas can sometimes manifest as finding ourselves in difficult life situations and can be destructive and hard to live with. In releasing the souls from the Ancestral lines and sending them to their proper place in the universe, we can reclaim that part of ourselves that has been lost along with them and begin to live a fuller life on our true path in Divine order. 

In the process of letting go there is big healing for both the mother and father, the soul of the baby and the lineage of the family. 

We have wanted to do these workshops for a long time and we are so happy they have been running. These are incredibly special days of very deep healing and releasing and this is done in a very sacred, safe and respectful space for everyone there. 

€250 per person with a

€50 Non-Refundable booking fee (€200 paid on Day)

Healing the Lost Children

Join us for this beautiful workshop and help lighten the energy of your family lines.

Healing the Lost Children Details

This work helps to heal the divine feminine on an individual and collective level. It helps to free the little souls and lighten the soul walk of the mothers and fathers. 

The workshops will often also involve collective work on ancestral lineages where there have been losses of children down through the lines. These traumas and burdens are often passed on from mother to daughter unbeknownst to them of course and this can go on for many generations until the work is done to heal and release it. The work does not exclude fathers and sons who are equally important in this healing work. 

The gratitude and the blessings received from the little souls received at the end of the workshop is incredible it touches us every time!  

Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm on both days, for 2 days. Refreshments are included. 

May all your lineage be healed and may the blessings freely flow to make your life beautiful. 

The purest most divine souls are those of children, they are blessings to the Earth, bringing in Light Codes and Divine Energy to help the planet. It is an honour to help them as they teach us.
— White Feathers Woman