Pathway teaching

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What's in a name?

What’s in a name?” one of the guides asked us a number of years ago. It stopped us in our tracks as we had to think about it – there was so much depth to the question and honestly, we didn’t know the whole answer, yes we could guess and feel what it was but it was not actually until we embodied our spiritual names that we fully understood what is in a name.

The name you are born with may or may not be aligned to your Spirit. The mothers and fathers who are awake and connected before their children are born generally have a strong feeling about a name, i.e. the child actually chooses the name and intuits it to you, where it resonates strongly and it just sticks generally that is a good measure of the right name. You just feel it – a heart resonance. The meaning of the name you choose is important, as it will connect with the child’s deeper reason for being if you choose the right name i.e. it will reflect some aspect of their soul.

In some cultures in Africa, for example they will go to a tree and do a ceremony asking for the name of the child and only name the child when Spirit gives them the name so that every time someone says the name, the child will be reminded of its deeper reason of being and why it came here to Earth as a soul, rather than walk aimlessly through life looking for its soul purpose. In these cultures they also have a deep spiritual reading for the child on the day before or the day after the naming ceremony so that the parents know best how to guide the child on its soul journey.

In some families for example in Eire, there is also an energy with certain clan names, these can be a gift passed down the generations with a name such as a healing gift, a blessing of some sort or for example the O’s and Mac’s a connection to the Ban Sidhe. Where the gift has been honoured and passed down – it will have built up the Ancestral blessings of the lineage and so will have added power although this will also depend on the purity of those that have used it and how it has been honoured as with all names the energy and blessings of the name can be removed by Spirit.

The deepest names are those that are given to us to bring in the full medicine of our Spirit during our Earth Walk here. These Spirit Names can come from elders or any one who has received the clan blessings to pass them on especially in shamanic lineages. They do not always come from elders although if any one does receive a Spirit name it is good to ask 3 people to verify it i.e. connecting in to Spirit to see and feel it. The shamanic names are especially powerful as they are names to reflect the here and now and they connect to your deepest being to empower your work with the 7 directions. Names can also come from people tuned into the Highest Realms of your being – these names tend to be more celestial. With a shamanic name comes an energy of Spirit, a clan, a deep soul recognition and a medicine for the soul to be able to bless others with. When you utter your shamanic Spirit name, the Ancestors and the tribe associated with that name respond. People who have done their spiritual work and are clear channels can also feel your name, we both find that when someone has the right Spirit name and they just say it - it opens our hearts and touches our souls and often you are moved to tears as you feel that persons Spirit through and through and you know they have the right name. There is real power and presence in a Spirit name that has been gifted from Source. This is also why it is so important to wait for the name not to rush or guess. There is also in humility in waiting for your name, Spirit will give it when you are ready. Both of us were not expecting names and had been doing the shamanic work for years before receiving our names. This way also the power, presence and love we both felt when the names came was unmistakably pure Divine Love from Source.

Once you receive your name it can also take a little while for you to embody your name, as the name will heal you and deepen you as your soul clan comes with it. Receiving a name is a true initiation in itself, it is an embodiment of a clan energy.

If you carry the wrong name the Spirits will not respond as it is not your energy to carry. They will forgive you of course, but Spirit is Truth so they will help you to know if you ask them.

With the true names, there also can be a coming home experience – a complete recognition of Divine Self – a spontaneous awakening as the God/Goddess reaches in to you touching the deepest parts of your being as you recognise the I AM presence as you through the power of your name. You are the I AM and it is you. This happened when White Feathers Woman (Melanie) received her name it was a deeply coming home experience. It was a complete empowerment and a full connection to Source and remembering to a clan in Spirit. Both Melanie’s and Paul’s (Grey Elk) names were given from the Cree tribe. Paul received his name during the Sundance ceremony and Melanie received her name from White Elk Medicine Woman in a pipe ceremony. White Elk Medicine Woman has the blessings to give the names from the Ancestors.  

What if other spirits want to work through you or use you as a channel - is that your name? No, not necessarily. There can be many spirits that want to work with you and possibly even an aspect of your own soul from another life or a Spirit that has chosen you to evolve a planetary medicine that needs rewritten and aligned to the Highest Good. You can have many energies connected to your soul, especially old souls although your intent is only to receive the name that aligns with your Highest Spirit for this life’s Earth Walk to fulfil your soul purpose. Sometimes these Spirits can also come through several people on the planet at the same time this is also why the name of the Spirit may not be your name. Also as a general rule people cannot really receive their own names as we are too involved in ourselves although there are exceptions. If you have received a name or are in doubt check with an Elder or someone who has been teaching shamanism for years not someone new to shamanism as it will take them several years to embody the medicine wheel after doing it.

If you do wish to have a shamanic name put tobacco out as an offering to the Spirits and ask for your name to come in Divine timing and divine grace. Do not dowse or ask anyone for your name as you only want to carry a name that truly empowers your Earth Walk here and that is aligned to your Spirit as such it carries immense blessings to your soul.

Wait for the name, get out of the way and walk in humility until the name is given to you so strongly that the love and Divine presence of it bowls you over in heart resonance that you recognise the I AM in your name within yourself. Aho.