The love of Twin Rays, Twin Flames and Soul Mates

There is so much information on the internet about the topic of twin rays, twin flames and soul mates, we had to take some time to sift through it and to really let what resonates before writing this article, so here it is, in the hope that may shed some light onto relationships for some people.

This is an opinion shared by others although we have found several sources that resonate so please let the words resonate with you, and if they do not let them go as this article is also written with the knowing that, at these times, anything is possible if it’s in the nature of higher truth to allow it.

The different descriptions of numbers of souls and soul groups can be very confusing so we have gone with the information from Judith Kusel and Dr. Joshua David Stone through Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah (see below for references):

The Cosmic I Am Presence births the Divine Mother and Divine Father God/Goddess, Twin Rays of the Creative Source. There are then 12,000 groups of souls of 144 souls each. Each of these groupings contained 12 monads, with 12 soul extensions within each monad. Thus creating the 144,000 Souls of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.  Some of these soul groups combine to make a COSMIC soul group of 144,000 souls with collective work on the same vibrational frequencies. “These large ones are those very old souls who were birthed at the very beginning of creation, and form part of the 12 sons and daughters of the Most High – and each one of the 12, form the Elders around the Throne of God, and therefore, each of the first 12 galaxies born at the very beginning, have one of the sons and daughters in charge of that galaxy”. (Judith Kusel).

Judith goes on to say that “Your soul consists of 12 sparks, or flames (vibrational frequency = that is why your soul name and your galaxy of origin and your tonal chord and soul colours will BE that pure vibrational frequency). This is the UNIQUE frequency of your soul – and you will only be in true harmony with your soul, if your vibration stays at that frequency band” (Judith Kusel).

In this life time, Judith Kusel states that of the 12 parts of your individual soul, only 1, or 2 or 0 can incarnate with you. These are your twin flames. At times, however, all 12 can incarnate if they have a special mission on earth for Higher Service to mankind, and undoing the karma on Earth so they can help the whole soul group ascend. Some people also say that 7 can incarnate.

Ascended Masters are assigned to each soul grouping depending upon their ascension level. The higher overlighting masters are in charge of each 144 souls, then an ascended master and, possibly, their twin ray is overlighted for each of the 12 monads that represented the 12 Rays of God. Originally all of these rays were one complement but were separated into the 12 for specific categorization of energies” (Dr. Joshua David Stone through Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah). There are now 25 energetic rays coming to Earth and this number is going to keep increasing.

Each of the 144 souls is made up of 12 parts (soul extensions) and they are all connected and “each of these souls are all interconnected and in the beginning were Divine Complements. Then as each of the soul extensions go through their ascension process whether in body or in spirit, they move up the ladder. Then they become Soul Mates to the ones that are moving upwards. Some souls may stay as Divine Complements as they are not ready. Then the progression continues up through Divine Expression, into Twin Mates, Twin Souls, Twin Flames, and Twin Rays. Each soul has the ability to move up the ladder until each monad blends together into the energy of the ascended Master and their twin ray”. (Dr. Joshua David Stone through Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah).

Any one of the parts (extensions) of the 144 souls are your soul mates, but it is possible that you can have soul mates outside your own soul group, so your friends, people you love, people who you just feel joy when you see them and often people in shamanic groups can be your soul mates. (They can also be your Divine complements, please see the article by Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah for more details on each aspect of the ascension soul ladder).

Shamanic groups in particular, bring soul mates together (as well as twin flames and twin rays as you are doing the deepest work into the One Heart). Soul mates can be any one, your family too and in this lifetime for those of you who are choosing, it is possible to heal all the unresolved issues so that you no longer carry them. People you instantly recognise can also be your soul mates – these people that may not be ancestrally related to you but you feel close to them and they feel like you have known them before and that they are your brothers and sisters.

Paul and Melanie are twin flames and understand the strength of the love that can be felt when you connect with your twin flame. It is so divinely beautiful, so deep and it is other worldly. You can feel each other when miles apart, when in tune you know each other’s thoughts and feelings. When you first meet your twin flame, it can also be pretty explosive, not only sexually but in your heart - the love is completely unexplainable and if you are experiencing it you will know as the strength of it will bowl you over. It fills your entire being and, when you are open, there is absolutely no mistaking it. There is no confusion either but sometimes an adjustment and a realisation of who they are takes place, and you need to be in your heart to recognise any twin flame or twin ray. This is also why there should be no fear about whether you will meet them (your soul mate, twin flame or twin ray) or not, it is absolute destiny that you will meet who you are meant to meet and the secret is getting out of the head and staying in the heart, again shamanic practice is the most powerful way of doing this, along with modalities like Rahanni Celestial Healing, that opens the heart further and helps one resonate with the truth.

Because of the power of twin flame love, its depth and all-encompassing nature it can bring up the deepest layers to heal and shine on neglected parts of self for you to look at. No matter what comes up, if you are willing, the strength of the love can get you through anything. The love continues to deepen both people in the relationship to help work through whatever the soul has not seen, as it works its way back to the full union and expression of the I AM within the self. This deep spiritual love is what everyone seeks. It is the love that once you embody it within the self, you stop searching, as you are it. This is also why shamanic work helps people to recognise one another, as it brings you from the head to the heart and heals people’s issues at their very core, over time, that these issues will never reoccur again. Shamanism is a path to true freedom, especially where there is the support from your shamanic community.

Beloved by Autumn Skye Art.

When twin flames come together, and they are both healed enough that they can work through everything, then they can really contribute to humanity and do the work together that they came to do as a soul. This is very fulfilling. There are more and more reunions happening with twin flames and twin rays because they are so powerful together and can make a huge positive difference to the Earth and/or each others ascension. It is needed now.

So what is a twin ray? Twin rays are the earliest split, when the ray coming from the Creator splits into 2, one male, one female. “This is the ultimate connection.  Each are the same God spark that came from the loving embrace of Mother and Father God.  The connection can be electromagnetic and not be realized within the physical dimension until we all reach the 5th dimensional frequency of the New Earth” (Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah). The twin rays you only have 1 of. It is rare for you to meet your twin flame and your twin ray in the same life time (Lilly Calandrello). When you do, if you are advanced enough in your own healing journey, you will recognise and know them through the extensive and unexplainable love you feel for them. Lilly Calandrello says about twin rays “this love, is a love that exists whether together or not, a love so strong that it doesn’t need held on to or let go of, it just needs to be accepted and understood. It exists outside the “norm” of the basic understanding of love”. Like twin flame love it so deep and completely infinite although the 2 loves are different, they both can show you the love you are missing within the self and they both can help you ascend in different ways on your path to re-embodying your I AM presence and the fullest potential of your soul. They are also the template for the Union in the Golden Age (Anna and Petra from the Mary Magdalene School).

Twin rays are pure Source Light and exist an octave above twin flames and there can be confusion between the two as they can sometimes be aspects of each other (Art of the Initiate). The energy of the twin flame and the twin ray can come into a physical being although the twin rays are at a higher frequency and the different colours of the rays relate to the soul purpose, the Masters and attributes associated with that ray all of which are aspects of the Divine. “All of the Elohim Masters and their female counterparts are Twin Rays along with many of the ascended Masters, Lord Sananda & Lady Nada; Saint Germain and Lady Portia; Helios and Vesta to name a few along with each of the Archangels has a Twin Ray, female counterpart” (Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah).

At the Moment you are created, it appears as a water droplet of pure light which divides immediately into two cells, one male and one female, and otherwise exactly the same in every way. These are Divine Compliments of each other in perfect balance. The first expression of this Divine Creation is a Twin Ray of Light. From the Twin Ray of Light then is born an expression in form. This expression in form of the Twin Ray” may become “the Twin Flame. These are the individual forms which have expression in the physical. The Twin Rays express themselves in the Dimensions above the 352nd Dimension and Twin Flames express themselves in the Dimensions below the 352nd Dimension. If one were in an incarnate body, and "unzipped" its Galactic-Human clothes, and they dropped to the ground, underneath would be the Light Which IS the Twin Ray. They are the same expression, projected from two different octaves” (Art of the Initiate). Food for thought! So you could say that if an aspect above the 352nd dimension comes into physical form, which we believe it can, as people can see the twin rays, and we are multidimensional, it is the twin ray aspect and below 352nd dimension is the twin flame, both can be connected. When true and full expression happens in the soul i.e. when the soul becomes fully self-realised there will be perfect harmony and a recognition of the I AM within the Self - a knowing at the exact right vibration and frequency for you to express your soul purpose in this life time.

Your twin ray (also your twin flame) may come in to help you through part of your life, they always manifest to shine light on you and you on them and always in perfect timing when you are meant to meet. For a time, not only twin rays, but also twin flames, may not able to be together as they may bring up too much stuff for each other or one may bring up more for the one who has more to deal with. Yes, that can be true, but it is also possible to heal everything at this time on earth, if you are brave enough to face it, so that none of it is carried any longer, so that you can be with the person you are meant to be with (be it your soul mate, twin flame or twin ray) in peace, joy, love and union. Please also remember we cannot control love, it just surges through your heart like a tidal wave, when your heart is open, so do not despair if you do not understand what you are feeling, things have a way of working out when you just keep connecting with Source and doing your best in what ever circumstance you find yourself in. These connections may mostly be about helping your ascension than anything else and when one of the twin flames or twin rays, either has more issues and is not ready to connect with his or her twin or just is not meant to, it can break your heart for a while especially if the other twin does not recognise you, as sometimes these interactions have a specific purpose and the length of time is determined by Spirit and Higher Purpose. Heart break is also a way of opening the heart further to the love that you are. When this happens it is a lesson in being able to accept it and understand where they are at with compassion and an open heart and being able to move on in life allowing the twin to heal and move through whatever they have to. Sometimes, like twin flames if twin rays are not meant to be together in this life time, you can always be kindred spirits, hopefully good friends, giving support to one another as guided. 

One of the things twin flames and twin rays do for one another is encourage you to look within. What is it that they are bringing up for you? Is there something asking to be birthed through you? What are you being asked to do by the Universe to help you to align more to your true self? What are you being asked to surrender or let go of? Please remember everyone is different and it is important to keep healing the self and connecting with Source, this way you can better attract relationships that will align with your Higher Self or I Am Presence.

Both twin flames, twin rays and sometimes soul mates can bring out the best in you to be awakened and the worst in you to be healed as their love can reach the deepest parts in the soul. The worst is just the lack of love, the parts that need healing and it is always our prayer that you heal completely and connect with either a beautiful soul mate, your twin flame or your twin ray in perfect timing to live your life in bliss with ease and grace! If you are a woman these souls can bring out a truly Goddess-like creative side such as art, dance, creative expression i.e. they bring the Goddess out in you, the very best of you, and if you are a man, they bring out the God in you, again creativity will flow and the best in you will manifest.

May you follow your heart and may your Higher Self / I AM Presence and the love of your Ascended Ancestors totally guide and bless all your relationships what ever they may be.

Higher Love and Blessings to all.


More info and references:

For readings on twin flames, twin rays and soul mates or for more details on a relationship see: Lilly Calandrello under services. Also Judith Kusel see readings.

Anna Vanickova & Petra van der Linden-Brussen, Mary Magdalene’s School

Tantric Rose Mystery School Leyola Antara:

Art of the Initiate:

Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah: The Science of Soul Relationships:

References for further reading:

Judith Kusel articles:

Twin Flame Love:

Marriage, Twin Flames, Soul Mates:

True Love and Sacred Sexual Union: An Ode to Love and Being Loved. Judith Kusel.

The Magdalene Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus and the Sex Magic of Isis. Tom Kenyon and Judy Sion.