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The Age of Freedom and Truth

Violet Fire Maltese Cross - Symbol of St Germain and the Age of Freedom. (Denis M.)

The Age of Freedom and Truth

"Great religions do not emerge haphazardly, neither do they come at the behest of man's wishes. Each one of them comes every 2000 years, following the orderly sequence put on by Cosmic Law, which moves in gigantic cycles to reach the totality of 14,000 years.”

Papastavro, T. (1972). Page 1.

We are now in the Age of Freedom over seen by St. Germain, holder of the Sacred Violet Flame (now called the Gold and Silver Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame), where ritual and ceremony are empowered.

This is why also so many people will be called to shamanism and the ways of the Ancients, to not only remember them, but to heal themselves and retell the original collective creation stories in a form that is totally healed and integrated with the Divine Feminine in all her full glory. Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in total balance, wholeness and unity. The masculine was overpowering the feminine for a while but now there is an adjustment to perfect balance and oneness within the self and in the collective and in so doing we are being asked to heal all the miscreation’s of the past.

Some of the ancient myths and stories in Ireland and elsewhere were scribed by Catholic priests or men that misinterpreted their original meaning. For example, the serpent around Mary Magdalene’s arm and her training with Isis, in their repression of sexuality they tried to taint her name in the complete misunderstanding that actually the truth was that she was trained in sacred sexuality and knew how to empower Yeshua (Jesus) to enable him to go through the crucifixion and his Spirit lay a path of Light through the darkness so we can all follow it (Kenyon and Sion, 2002). The 2 serpents are the energies within, that rise up the body to meet in the head to enlighten the person. There are 2 in every person, not one, and the wings of the caduceus symbolise enlightenment and perfect health and illumination, so all the pharmacies that use one snake or take away the wings in their symbol don’t understand the original meaning. There is a return to innocence and re-empowerment of sacred sexuality happening at the moment where all the stuff of the past that does not serve is being asked to be healed.

It is necessary to allow oneself to heal and open to the truth completely and wholly before we can truly embody who we are and embrace the wisdom and secrets that have remained hidden in our hearts for generations.

Throughout the last cycle of 14,000 years every 2000 years there has been a change of energy with a different cosmic ray coming in to Earth. Each Ray brings different energies, colours, vibrations and associated spiritual beings with it, although there has also been a increase in the amount of Rays coming to Earth since the original 7 anchored. The 5th Ray brought Judaism and the 6th Ray brought Christianity. It also means that only the Divine aspects of each religion will be carried forward the rest that does not serve will be lost (Papastavro,1972).

One of these rays the White Ray encompasses the qualities of all the rays. Serapis Bey is the Ascended Master for this ray although it is no longer Ray 4, as it is white it has all the colours and all the qualities in it. There are some souls who work particularly with this Ray. Serapis Bey also holds the White Flame which was taken from the Earth and sent to Andromeda for safe keeping. Only small parts of it remained in sacred sites on the Earth including Luxor and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Now the White Flame has returned to Earth, with it comes the cosmic Mother, the return of innocence, the wholeness of the Divine Feminine (Kusel, 2021).

So every brother and sister reading this, know that there is a greater plan of the I AM presence of every man, woman and child, that is already underway and no matter how the various powers that be may try and stop it, their efforts are already in vain for it is already written. It is already done! In the Name of the Divine I AM. It is so. Aho.



Kenyon, T and Sion, J. (2002). The Magdalene Manuscript. The Alchemies of Horus and the Sex Magic of Isis. ORB Communications.

Kusel, Judith, (2021). White flame webinar and September Newsletter 2021.

Papastavro, T. (1972) The Gnosis and the Law.