Pathway teaching

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Protection is an evolution

Protection, there is so much to that one simple word, its interpretation can mean so many different things to different people depending on what stage of evolution of consciousness they are at.

In this article we wanted to cover the topic of protection to help people deeper understand the concepts around “protection” and how to embody true protection which is so closely linked to feeling safe and also related to true connection.

When you start out in your spiritual path sometimes there can be “beginners luck” where you have truly beautiful experiences and amazing gifts from Spirit. (Spirit meaning Great Spirit, Divine Source, God/Goddess or what ever words you prefer). Then, if necessary, you can be taken into the soul and Ancestral stuff that may be part of your Divine Soul contract to release and heal for yourself and sometimes for your family and wider.

If you are a person that was not awake or may have been awake to Spirit as a child but due to society and other pressures, your gifts (connection to the Spirits) were shut down, you may have experienced an awakening to reopen to do the work you came to do as a soul. Sometimes this reopening can be very painful and traumatic but it has a purpose which often we only see with hindsight.

During this time you can feel extremely vulnerable and calling on Archangel Michael and Faith can help you to feel less afraid. People can ask for the blue cloak of protection of these 2 Archangels and they can also call on the Gold Ray of Christ which is one of the strongest protections there is.

The thing is, if it is your soul contract to experience or learn something it is not going to go away just because you ask for protection. In our evolution of consciousness, it is important some energies pass through us so we can let them go and when we get those “aha” moments or feel the depth of truth, this is when the experience is completed and there is an understanding allowing us to let go for good. Sometimes deep grief and pain are at the roots and when these are healed the layers on top that can make us fearful eventually disappear and we realise we are love and fear is just an absence of that to help us see what aspects of ourselves we need to heal.

There is no doubt for both of us, Paul and Melanie, it was shamanism that helped us move through this transition to heal ourselves and Rahanni Celestial Healing to help bring in the Truth, Love and Compassion and bring a gentleness and grace to the healing.

So many times people ask for protection out of fear and put a bubble up around them, this is projecting fear into their energy field.

The way to protect yourself is to ground at first feel your feet go onto the grass and sit on it or walk barefoot, this pulls your energy into your body and out of the mind that sometimes creates the fears.

Then centre breathe into your heart allowing yourself to fully feel, thank everything, thank the fear for teaching you, thank your feelings breathe into them and fully feel them and ask the Divine Source for help. Allow your heart to open.

Then call on your Higher Self/ I AM Presence to give you the protection you need and watch the energy come from your heart around you and through you completely filling your aura.

Depending on what work you are about to do the Spirit Helpers can give you different protections.

Sometimes we don’t ask for protection at all and trust that we are safe that is also good although it is good to connect with the Divine every day as they cannot help us unless we ask. Also for people who are more sensitive and who work with very celestial energy sometimes they need a bit more protection.

Mapacho is one of the Master Plants (Grandfather spirits) that help to protect us, like White Sage or Mugwort. These plants remove and transmute energies and can clear a room and when these energies that are of a heavier and denser vibration are cleared – it is true connection that is seen and felt, love, truth, divine beauty will increase more and more in your life and you will realise you are it and it is you – the I Am that I Am or Divine Source.

It is our hope that you have the courage to embrace your path that is unique to you, stay grounded and bolster your faith by calling on your Divine Spirit helpers and keep connecting with your I AM Presence.

This can be done simply by saying “I call on my Divine Spirit Helpers that are aligned with my Higher Self and I ask my I AM presence to adjust my energy field exactly as I need it now. Thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done Beloved I AM”. Then feel your feet, breathe, feel your heart, allow yourself to be fully in your body and be present.

Wishing everyone a truly magical day!

Love and infinite blessings