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The Incoming of Divine Baby Souls

Just to say we are not medical professionals and cannot advise you on what to do with this, just wanted to share some things that had helped us on our journey with pregnancy and birth in case it helps others thank you.

In our experience when a couple want a baby, it is also the baby that wants them i.e. all 3 connect! The babies soul can create immense love between the parents and many people do not realise that the feeling of making love or the passion between two people can be greatly influenced by the little soul! It is creation! Pure Love in innocence! It is asking to come in! You can feel the baby souls as pure divine unconditional love right through your heart. Those of you who have had children will know that feeling before they have come in!

When for example, the mother is not getting pregnant and both the mother and the father may start to worry and they can block the creative flow by going into their heads, by using technology apps that can help in some cases, but in others can take any romantic moments, flow and passion out of a relationship.

Passion is spontaneous and it arises from pure love. It is a divine gift. You can align your emotions with your Higher Self/ I Am presence, this will help to release and heal old layers and your emotions will come into balance and flow the way they are meant to at one with your Higher Self.

The conception of a child has an energy, just like when it is in the womb. When it is created out of love and pure divine intent it helps the little soul come in with Divine clarity and empowerment. If not, do not worry there are ways of healing it and sometimes the soul will have made choices that you will not understand at the time but only come clear later for example a type or way of birth may have been chosen by the baby soul and relayed to the mother (or the father) through their thoughts and feelings.

The baby soul can also choose to leave while in the womb, not just through miscarriage, many people think it is just the mother that chooses this, but the baby can choose it too and the babies thoughts become the mothers. This is also why it is so important that the mother is honoured as she is the one carrying the baby. She will know what is best for her and her baby.

Although the father does not carry the baby, if he has an open heart he will also receive intuitions and strong connections to the baby although he needs to support the mother’s choices for birth as he is not the one doing it!

If the parents are unsure of the name of their child, they can sit by a tree and do ceremony to ask for the babies name, if you can call a baby soul by a name that resonates with its soul purpose every time someone utters its name it will be reminded of why it came here. The meaning of the names are important let them resonate with your heart and when you ask sometimes the name will just come.

Also remember that when a boy comes through he is going to bring up any male issues that need healed and when a girl comes through she is going to bring up any female issues that need healed for both the mother and the father. Again any energy healing sessions can help to clear any old patterns which may show themselves as the new souls energy will also help to clear Ancestral patterns that do not serve.

When the parents have had their children and they don’t feel they want any more you can do a ceremony to close the portal above them i.e. the portal that the little souls come in on. (We are not saying that you do not need to be careful or please don’t think you don’t need any contraception but this ceremony can be powerful, ps: don’t blame us if you get pregnant!).

There are a lot of very higher energy platinum Sun children (Judith Kusel thank you for this info) coming in at the moment, they are exceptional souls carry an extremely Divine vibration and just by their presence your heart will open. They are sensitive and so sometimes need both the mothers and fathers intuition as they will know best for the child. Remember intuition always flows through the heart with an empty head and is not fixed, just because something has been done before doesn’t always mean it is right for now. There are immense changes happening and it is a blessing to be here right now. Remember to keep opening your heart, sinking into it with the breath as this gives power to the flow of Divine Love.

Some helpful tips for parents to be:

·       Pre birth- if the mother (or father) is afraid some pre-birth sessions such as birth into being sessions (Louise Keane does these and is very good). Meditations together with the mother and father where they can start to talk to the baby in the womb so it feels the love and support from both parents. Shamanic or Rahanni Celestial Healing sessions can also help to clear any miscarriage or past life energy that needs to move on to make room for the new soul coming in. These sessions can help both the mother, the father and the baby to prepare energetically and remove the blocks.

·       If couples are struggling to get pregnant there are many ways to support such as Acupuncture (Ian Claxton at the Elmtree clinic), kambo ceremonies and also the NES ( Please note there are some vibrational machines we really do not recommend they can cause miscarriage (speaking from personal experience) so please do not go on these unless you know the vibration is high enough. The NES, is the one we recommend and make sure you talk to the practitioner about pregnancy if you think you might be.

·       Pineapple can help the baby stick to the mothers womb – greens also prolong the babies life, healthy food is very important anyway. Healthy food that is preferably organic and wholefood. Also filtered water (make sure you take out any added fluoride). do very good filters. We could write a lot more on this. is a great site for health information that is free from censorship.

·       Rahanni Celestial Healing can be used on the baby soul pre-conception and can help support the baby in the mother’s womb and the parents emotions. It is an energy connected to the celestial dolphins and whales often seen around the soul birth portal that appears in the mothers spirit when the baby is about to come through i.e. be born. This is an incredible energy gifted from the Stars that came through Carol Anne Stacey and helps us all open further to Truth, Love and Compassion.

·       Re the birth we recommend Mayella Almazan and her Mexican Robozos which can be all the relief you need – remember birth is not painful, it is so natural, your body knows how to birth - it is extremely empowering for any woman when it goes right, obviously sometimes it doesn’t flow that way and intervention is needed although which ever way the Robozo is an amazing tool (Mexican hand woven scarf that can wrap around the woman’s hips and be squeezed by pulling at either end by say a father and a doula to give relief – personally speaking I found it all I needed for our son). Mayella also does the blessing ceremony around the mother with the cacau and the red cord to bless the mother and the baby and the birth. This ceremony is very powerful and very old.

·       Have the phytopbiophysics and the homeopathic birthing kits (for example one remedy in here can bring the placenta right out with no need for the injection – again it worked for me!). In the Phytobiophysics kit there are remedies to knock off effects of epidural or induction if that is the route you ended up taking through no choice of your own.

·       Do a ceremony to welcome the baby and introduce him or her to the Earth, you can start in the 4 directions opening to the elements and the love in each direction, to the Sun, Moon and Stars, the Mother Earth and all connecting through the babies I AM presence (always Divine intent nothing else only energies that come from Source are allowed to work with the baby) then you can put a drop of diluted frankincense on the head of the baby to connect if to the Divine Source above and the myhrr to connect it to the Mother Earth, then gold in the heart (turmeric) to help it anchor in the I Am into its little body. You can also offer sacred tobacco to the directions calling on the Divine Beings from Source that are aligned to work with the baby to come in protect it, help it to be supported in walking it soul walk and any words you feel to talk from your heart. Please contact us if you wish us to do a ceremony with you and your baby we would only be so honoured.

·       Keep the placenta and you can do a ceremony and bury it under a tree as it has an energy again and is better to do this than the way the hospital are going to treat it.

·       Have a breast pump ready especially for first time mothers that the milk may get a little blocked and this will help it to flow.

·       Mothers please remember baby blues day 4 your hormones change massively and even for people that do not get down sometimes they can hit day 4 and the feelings gone by day 6. Get a friend to come around day 4 and 5 and make you laugh with the new arrival!

·       You know best, never be pressurised to do something that does not feel right for you or your child. We all have respect for health professionals but sometimes they are fed information by big pharma that comes from fear and is not the best for your child.

·       After the baby is born (breast pumping is good for milk) although sometimes you can get a good milk formula that can be introduced later to help support the freedom of being a new parent so the father can feed the baby too and both the parents can get some time to breathe, centre and ground to take it all in! We found boy babies drink so much this can be a help to top up and don’t leave the bottle introduction too late otherwise baby won’t take it you can do breast and bottle from 2 weeks we found that worked (e.g. premichevre

·       Take time out, slow down and take time for yourselves during the pregnancy. Once that little bundle of joy comes out, many sleepless nights and your life is changed forever in a good way so enjoy the time together while you can!). Little ones are such an immense blessing, they fill your heart with joy and are the best teachers bringing you right into the I AM – love, joy and innocence!  

Love and blessings for everyone, may we all continue to create a better world for the Divine children coming in!
