Pathway teaching

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Ancestral Blessings in Abundance!

May your Body, Mind and Soul be the vessel with which the Divine Ancestral Blessings Flow.

May your heart open as wide as the cosmic ocean of the I AM to allow the Eternal Love that is flowing through your lineage to embody every cell of your Being.

May your mind allow all the infinite divine possibilities to flood through your brain like joyful, gushing, vibrant water.

May you have the strength and courage just to be you. Aho.

White Feathers Woman


The Ancestors lines are our strongest connection to the medicines of the Earth, they carry the lineages, they carry the blessings of many, many souls. They carry a collective wisdom and strength that is unrivalled by anything else.

Yes there can be sometimes a lot of clearing and healing needed to clear the way although now more than ever a new consciousness abounds and the speed and the help available to us from the Divine Spirit world is incredible.

Now more than ever you are experiencing a time that none of your Ancestors have walked in, be ever so grateful to them as they paved the way for you to be here right now in this moment, for you to do your Earth walk and for you to help the planet and for you to do what your soul came to do blessed eternally by your own Ancestors.

The Ancestors carry so many blessings it can be hard to comprehend as we have been conditioned to look at what needs healing and to look for faults. It is good to do this now and again and when guided to, but then let it go as healing is happening at the speed of light at the moment!! Zooooooooom and it can be gone in a second! Back into the heart and gratitude. If not stay with it and call on your Ancestors in heaven that love you to help you move and release the old patterns that no longer serve.

The Ancestors walked through the 3D lower consciousness they have anchored the energies that needed anchored through 3D so that we don’t have to, we can more easily than ever before let go of the past and embrace the beauty of the 5th to 7th dimensions i.e. heaven that is here right now. This time is truly incredible – a true blessing to be alive!

There can be beliefs that plant doubt in you becoming a self-realised soul i.e. Divinely Enlightened that you realise the I AM within you and it expressed itself through you i.e. you are forever free of lower human consciousness. Please believe that this is absolutely possible especially right now. This is our wish for everyone. Allow the new Divine Energies in they are here including the Ancestral Blessings. Aho.  


Here is a decree just to do that with the help of your Ancestors in Heaven.



Beloved Ancestors of my Mother Line name of mother I thank you all eternally for all the love and blessings you have shown, I say sorry for any way I have ever dishonoured you, please forgive me, I forgive you as I understand you had struggles and things to face as we all do. I am calling on the Divine Beings of Source (use words that resonate with you) to help the whole Ancestral line to release now what no longer serves, completely and wholly as we step into the new age of Freedom. I love you and I thank you and the Divine Source comes to release you all. Eternal Blessings from me back to you all. (Repeat 3 times).

Beloved Ancestors of my Father Line name of father I thank you all eternally for all the love and blessings you have shown, I say sorry for any way I have ever dishonoured you, please forgive me, I forgive you as I understand you had struggles and things to face as we all do. I am calling on the Divine Beings of Source (use words that resonate with you) to help the whole Ancestral line to release now what no longer serves, completely and wholly as we step into the new age of Freedom. I love you and I thank you and the Divine Source comes to release you all. Eternal Blessings from me back to you all. (Repeat 3 times).

Beloved Ancestors of my Soul Journey, the miscellaneous ones that come through the mixed races, I thank you all eternally for all the love and blessings you have shown, I say sorry for any way I have ever dishonoured you, please forgive me, I forgive you as I understand you had struggles and things to face as we all do. I am calling on the Divine Beings of Source (use words that resonate with you) to help the whole Ancestral line to release now what no longer serves, completely and wholly as we step into the new age of Freedom. I love you and I thank you and the Divine Source comes to release you all. Eternal Blessings from me back to you all. (Repeat 3 times).

I now ask through my I AM presence I embrace and accept fully in gratitude the Divine Ancestral Blessings that flow into my soul, those that I need for this Earth Walk. I breathe and allow them in to express in Divine timing and Divine Grace. (Repeat 3 times).

I AM my Beloved I AM presence in full power in this body expressing in Divine Grace.

I AM my Beloved I AM presence in full power in this body expressing in Divine Grace.

I AM my Beloved I AM presence in full power in this body expressing in Divine Grace.

It is done Beloved Ancestors of the I AM thank you. It is done Beloved Ancestors of the I AM thank you. It is done Beloved Ancestors of the I AM thank you. Aho.