Awakening the Shaman Within

This is an introductory event into shamanism which will introduce the basic concepts and help you to understand and experience it so you can feel whether it is for you! It is not a religion or philosophy but a path to embodiment of Spirit and of remembering who you truly are. Shamanism helps you peel away the layers while being held in sacred space by the Helper Spirits all around you.

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About Your Teacher


Paul O’Halloran is a fully initiated igqirha (healer/shaman in the Xhosa tradition) and is known as Grey Elk (from the Cree Nation). Grey Elk has healed and rebalanced around 5,000 properties in person, mostly in Ireland. He has a very strong connection to the elementals (spirits) of the land and was guided to teach shamanism. The teachings of the shamanic courses are very much are led by Great Spirit and encourage you to develop your own medicine while showing you different techniques from Native American, Peruvian and African traditions.



€50 — One Day eventAwakening the Shaman Within

Times: See our Events Calendar for more info.

Please be sure to select the correct booking link, one is in person (in Ireland or Azores) and the other is online. Thank you.

Cost: €50 In Person and €30 Online.

Awakening the Shaman Within

This is an introductory event into shamanism which introduces the basic concepts and helps you to understand and experience what sacred space is like so you can feel whether it may help you! It is not a religion or philosophy but a path to embodiment of your true Spirit (Higher Self) and of remembering who you truly are. Shamanism helps you peel away the layers while being held in sacred space by the Helper Spirits all around you.

Shamanism is one of the oldest traditions on Earth, common to all native peoples yet it is so relevant and useful in today's world. It helps us to connect to nature, to heal ourselves and to connect and remember the deepest parts of our being. It is about experiencing the world of spirit, whilst living an ordinary life. Come and hear about the way of the shaman, how he works, the tools and methods used and our connection to the Medicine Wheel. The event will cover some basic techniques of shamanism, meditation/journeying and the use of shamanic tools. 

This introductory event includes:

  • The way of the Shaman

  • How he works

  • Tools and methods used

  • Our connection to the Medicine Wheel

  • Basic techniques of shamanism

  • Meditation / journeying

  • Proper use of shamanic tools

These events are held in Ireland (most regularly in Galway) but also around Ireland and in São Miguel, Azores. We also run events online that can help you to understand shamanism and feel what it can do for you.

If you have any questions or wish to progress to the shamanic practitioners Medicine Wheel please do contact us, it will be a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you.

Shamanism is the oldest form of communicating and healing. It probably resides in all of us.
— Amy Hardie